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St Catherine's Catholic Primary School


Year 2 Maths - Fact Families

Reading - How quickly can you read the text and accurately complete the questions?

Literacy - To produce a poem

(For today and Tuesday 2nd Feb)

The theme for your poem is "EXPRESS YOURSELF"

Length - is up to you (it can be as short as a verse or as long as a page!)


Your poem could include:

  • Your family? Your pets? Your friends?
  • School? Neighbours?
  • How you show your feelings and thoughts?
  • How you feel? (how you felt at the beginning of lockdown and how you feel now)
  • What you like to do, how you have spent your time?
  • What / who you have been missing?
  • What memories you have made?
  • Any questions you may have?


Your poem can be:

  • A shape poem (written in the shape of an object), 
  • An acrostic (a word is written down the page and each line starts with the letter)
  • A rhyming poem
  • Free-verse (no set structure or pattern)


To help you think of some ideas, you could create a spider diagram with "YOU" at the centre and annotate it with details and facts all about you! Attached below are two documents containing emotions vocabulary to help you think of different feelings you may had had.

Please remember to send your poem via email, before Thursday to 

Please send them to me via Seesaw so I can see your wonderful creations too! 


Art - Picture

Similar to your poem, can you create a picture which "EXPRESSES YOU"?

You can use pencil crayons, paints, pastels, glueing and sticking - anything!

Please remember to take a photo of your picture, and email it to before Thursday to enter the Mental Health Competition! I would also love to see your work via Seesaw too!


Will you include:

  • Family, friends and pets?
  • Favourite food, snacks and treats?
  • Hobbies and activities you have been doing?

PE - Lucy (Eden Valley Sports Coach) Weekly Fitness Challenge

Still image for this video