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St Catherine's Catholic Primary School


Thursday 28th January 2021


Hello children, you are nearly there - it is nearly Friday!

I am very impressed with the amount and quality of work you are producing.

Thank you for sending me pictures, videos and voice-recordings on Seesaw. 


Literacy - Today's literacy is quite a lengthy task so please start it today, have a little break, then complete it tomorrow. Please remember to use all your fantastic ideas from yesterdays discussion to help you write the words to "A Place for Plastic Wordless Story".

(I know you will use capital letters, punctuation and adjectives to describe.)

I am very much looking forward to receiving your literacy work tomorrow!


PE - Why not have a go at one, or both of Mr. French's Activity cards?


Well done children!



Year 2 Maths - Count in 10s

Literacy (Thursday and Friday)
