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St Catherine's Catholic Primary School

Week of Monday 11th January

Friday 15th January 2021

Today I would like you to complete the following:

 * Maths - Lesson 8 - 'Make 10' strategy to subtract a 1-digit number from a teen number (Part 2)

 * Literacy - Well done for creating such brilliant story plans.

    Today I would like you to use your plans to write your own story based on, The Rainbow Fish.

    I am looking for conjunctions (because, so, when, but, if) and punctuation ( . ? ! )

 * Reading - Can you read your story 'out-loud'?

    Try to use intonation in your voice and pause at punctuation.

    Please remember you can upload your readings to Seesaw so I can hear them too!

 * Geography - Lesson 5 - What lives in the ocean?

 * PE - Please practise Key Step One gymnastic routine! (Remember pointed fingers and toes!)

 Please remember to upload to Seesaw a post of you reading in an interesting and exciting place!

Thursday 14th January 2021

Today I would like you to complete the following:

 * Maths - Lesson 7 - 'Make 10' strategy to subtract a 1-digit number from a teen number (Part 1)

 * Literacy - I would like you to ONLY PLAN your own story based on, The Rainbow Fish.

    What characters will you have? What will your character share?

    How will this make the others feel? (Template below or you can create your own.)

 * Reading - I would like you to complete a book review for, The Rainbow Fish.

    There are 3 templates to choose from below or you can create your own.

    Would you recommend this book, why?

 * Geography - Lesson 4 - Why are our oceans important?

 * PE - How flexible are you feeling? Try the 'Flexible' card below!

I would also like you to spend 10 minutes on Spelling Shed and 10 minutes on Times Table Rockstar!

Wednesday 13th January 2021

Today I would like you to complete the following:

 * Maths - Using 'Make 10' strategy to add two 1-digit numbers (Part 2)

 * Literacy - Please create a story map for, 'The Rainbow Fish'.

    You can use the sequencing cards (below) to help you,

    by cutting them up, ordering and discussing them.

    Please add arrows to show the order of  events and some speech bubbles!

    I would love to see your story maps on Seesaw.

 * Reading - Please complete the reading activity booklet below.

    I know you are all very familiar with this story!

 * Geography - Lesson 3 - How deep is the ocean?

 * PE - How well can you balance? Have a go at the 'Balance Card' below.

   Remember, you can always show me your brilliant balances on Seesaw!

   (I hope you've been practising some balancing in your gymnastic routines!)


Don't forget! Zoom at 1:30 today!

Be ready to share something that has excited you,

(a new toy, hobby or news) with your friends on zoom!

See you soon, Miss. Elliott and Miss. Monaghan



Hello Class 2, Mrs Richardson here. I hope you are doing well.


I have seen a couple of you have logged onto Charanga this last week, which is just marvellous. Remember, you can still access Charanga Music from home. During this lockdown, log into Charanga Music World where you can learn a new instrument. Maybe you have a musical instrument laying around at home, have a go and learn how to play it. If you do not have a musical instrument, perhaps you could make a set of drums out of your recycling; or if you have access to two devices, you could download an instrument app, e.g. glockenspiel, onto a phone, then access the Charanga lessons on a laptop. I can log into Charanga Music World too to see what you are all up to again, I can congratulate all those that have had a go week to week. Aim to have a play in Charanga for around 10 to 30 minutes a week. I look forward to seeing which instruments you learn during this half term. 

You all should have your login details, but if anyone needs them again, please get in touch via my e-mail 


Attached in one of the links below, is a bonus Music lesson all about 'Timbre - Exploring Different Ways to use your Voice'. 


Also set is your Science - lesson 2.


I hope you all have a good week, take care, from Mrs Richardson

Tuesday 12th January 2021

Today I would like you to complete the following:

 * Maths - Using ten strategy to add - Part 1

 * Literacy - Please listen to the story of, 'The Rainbow Fish'.

    Choose your favourite part and write sentences to describe what is happening.

    Please remember to use capital letters and full-stops!

    I would love to see you post your work on Seesaw too.

 * Geography - Lesson 2 - Where are the world's oceans?

 * Login to 'Seesaw'. Have a go at playing 'Connect 4' - can you respond too?


We look forward to seeing on our next 'Zoom' Wednesday at 1:30.

Your challenge is to think about something that has excited you this week,

you will have the chance to show/talk about this during your zoom! 


P.s. Please remember, there are several great activities to be

found on 'PhunkyFood' Website too.

(link below).

The Rainbow Fish

Monday 11th January 2021

Today I would like you to complete the following:

 * Two maths lessons ("Lesson 1" and "Lesson 3" from Oak National Academy)

 * Literacy lesson - Identifying Sea Creatures

 * Geography - Lesson 1 - Oceans and Seas

 * DT lesson - Creating your own sea creature (Please do not worry if you do not have any junk modelling at home - you could always draw and design your own on paper.)


You will find all the lesson links below.

I look forward to "zooming" with you all this week and sharing a

new learning platform with you very soon... Miss. Elliott

P.s. Don't forget to follow Shaun (PE Coach) videos! (below) Good luck!

Warm up/exercise pyramid challenge.

2 exercises, working up and down the counting pyramid... It's a tough workout but give it a go.

Basketball- Dribbling Skills

This video looks at the basics of basketball and in particular dribbling.We set challenges to test your skills.Have a go.
