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St Catherine's Catholic Primary School

Class 4

6th December 2024

A group of pupils were invited to take part in a cheerleading workshop at Penrith Leisure centre. They had a ball! 

Thursday 28th November

We had a wonderful day trip to Lancaster to see the Borrowers at the Dukes theatre after a great drama workshop. Thanks to Avanti West coasts ‘Feel Good Field trip’ project. 

6th November 

Year 6 led our Remembrance Assembly this morning. They researched and planned the entire assembly themselves working really well together to present it to the whole school and parents. 

5th November

Well done to everyone who took part in the County Cross Country competition at Hunter Hall today. Great efforts all round especially from Year 5/6. 
Well done to the winners who got through to the next round.


8th November 2024

Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics at Penrith Leisure Centre. It was manic but so much fun! There were sports for everyone: high jump, long jump, triple jump, sprints, relays and lots more. 

October/November 2024

Year 5/6 boys have been out to several competitions this term, they have displayed excellent sportsmanship and had a great deal of fun. November 22nd brought a well deserved trophy at the EFL kids cup ran by Carlisle United which they won against 26 schools. Well done. 

1st October 2024

Year 6 began their science topic on materials. Today they have mixing and exploring what a mixture is. They used a variety of materials with various particle sizes and completed research to find out about materials. 

Wb 23rd September 2024

Year 6 invited Fr John to answer their ‘Big Questions.’

11th September 2024

Year 6 were delighted to present their buddies with a teddy during the special assembly. Their important jobs of being buddies have now officially began. 

September 2024

Year 6 began the year with some DT and art making Mid-African crucifixes. We used saws and mixed salt-dough then modelled a figure.

September 2024

Welcome Year 6!

Here’s to a great year together.


YEAR 6 SCIENCE: Year 6 have just recently completed the topic Space. During this topic the children described the movement of the Earth, and the other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system; described the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth; described the Sun, Earth and Moon as approximately as spherical bodies; used the idea of the Earth's rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky. 

They calculated scales and the ratios of the solar system using fruit.

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The children presented what they had found out during their Space topic: backed by evidence and demonstrations. Below are a couple of groups with their presentations:

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Group B's presentation:

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Group C's presentaion:

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Tuesday 5th December

Claire from Penrith library came to visit Year 6 to share with them all about the Bubonic Plague in Penrith in 1598. The pupils in Year 6 are really enjoying their book Children of Winter by Bernie Boherty in which a family in Eyam, Derbyshire is heavily affected by the Plague. We decided we would like to find out about how the Plague affected Penrith. Year 6 enjoyed trying on a replica plague doctors outfit and exploring historical records about the people of Penrith in the past. 

Year 6 have just recently completed the Science topic: Animals Including Humans. In this topic, the children described the changes as humans develop to old age; identified and named the main parts of the human circulatory system, and describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood; recognised the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function; and described ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animals, including humans.

Year 6

November 2023

Year 6 are currently working on a DT project for their buddies using their DT skills. We have been learning about risk assessment when using tools and the different tools available in woodworking workshops. 

Can you guess what they are making?


Monday 13th November

Anti-bullying week.

Year 6 decided they wanted to lead an assembly for the whole school to highlight Anti-bullying week. 
They all wore odd socks to show we are all different, made posters, designed PowerPoint presentations, learned poetry and shared a rap or two to encourage everyone to ‘speak out, if they have a problem.

Well done Year 6!

November 9th 2023

Year 6 Science

As part of their science topic ‘Animals including humans’ Year 6 had a fun science lesson with Mrs Richardson creating blood smoothies. They made 2 different types of blood; O and AB. Raspberries respresented red blood cells, marshmallows represented white cells and sprinkles were the platelets. They added oranges to make the O blood and apples and bananas to make the AB version. Yummy!

October 2023

Year 5 and 6 have had a great time with Mr French trying a new winter sport - curling!


April 2023

Year 5 are using the book Holes for ideas to write instructions for an onion recipe. Any questions - ask the experts. Well done Year 5.


Little Inventors workshop

We have had a fabulous day using our science and DT skills today in a workshop exploring the power of wind. Thanks to Claire at Penrith Library for organising it for us all. 


Friday 9th February 2023

Candlemas Class assembly

Thanks to all the parents who took the time to come and join us this morning and thanks too to Fr John for blessing our school candles used throughout the school. We enjoyed sharing our learning about Candlemas with the school. The art exhibition of our work will be up in the hall for a few weeks so if you missed it please pop in. 

13th December 2022

We had a wonderful time watching The Borrowers at Keswick Theatre by the Lake. We have a couple of copies of the book to read in school too. 

12th December 2022

Ms Cooke, Head of English at QEGs came to visit today to judge our Poetry by Heart competition. She was blown away by the number of entries and the ability of the children to recite their poems with good tone and intonation. Well done everyone - we are very proud of you all. She announced the 6 winners who will be put forward to the Cumbria County competition in 2023.

12th December 2022

Class 4 are entering QEGs’ German baking competition. They are baking German biscuits, ‘butterplätzchen’ and doing research on their origins. Sue, our fabulous cook, will be judging our 3 final entries to go forward to the Primary school competition at QEGs. We will find out January. Well done Class 4 for your teamwork and DT skills. Your families are lucky to be receiving the ‘butterplätzchen’ when you take them home. 

7th December 2022

Christmas Jumper Day

Don’t Class 4 look gorgeous in their jumpers! We had a lovely day.

1st December 2022

History - Victorian object handling


NOVEMBER: In FRENCH, Year 6 have recently just finished their poems all about their favourite animals. In’joi....enjoy!

One of the children reading her French poem aloud.

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Another poem...

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Another poem...

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Final poem....

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20th October 2022

Poetry by Heart

Mrs Cooke from Qegs came to see us about the competition ‘Poetry by Heart’ which we are hoping to take part in this year. Have a look at the website below for ideas. Watch this space for more exciting news.

23rd September 2023

We have the privilege of visiting the relics of St Bernadette in Carlisle, what an amazing opportunity. Thanks to the Diocese of Lancaster for inviting us. We enjoyed meeting those who had been to Lourdes; they shared with us all about their experiences. Thanks to Fr John for answering our tricky questions which followed!



September 2022

Welcome to our new Year 5 and 6

Have a wonderful year in Class 4 - we know you will make us all proud!
