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St Catherine's Catholic Primary School

Class 1

SCIENCE- Year 1: The Year 1s have just completed their final Science topic all about plants. In this unit about plants, children learnt to name the basic parts of a plant, including seeds. They had the opportunity to plant their own seeds and made observations of how they grew over time. The children also learnt to identify, name and describe a variety of garden and wild plants as well as evergreen and deciduous trees. In their final lesson, the children used all of their knowledge gained throughout the topic to identify, compare and classify plants.

June: Jubilee celebrations, Rainbow week, First Aid with Action Ants, Healthy Eating with Phunky Foods and Growing week.

May 2022: this month we had our May Procession with Class 2, Moon Week and celebrated the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

April: after the Easter break we have been very busy settling back into school. This week was Caterpillar and Butterfly Week.

March: we have made pancakes, attended our Ash Wednesday Service in church and dressed up for World Book Day. Also enjoyed having P.E. on the field, making cards and learning about Holy Week.


Head on over to the Music Page (link below) to see all the wonderful Music that has been happening this term. 

February: we have enjoyed learning in Worm Week and Wind Week and had an amazing visit from the fire service.

YEAR 1: This afternoon, 2nd March, Year 1 had the honour of being invited to the Cumbria Music Hub's Gingerbread Man Workshop at St. Andrew's Church in Penrith. The children had an amazing time, singing songs, with other schools from the local community, the the story of the Gingerbread Man.


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The Year 1s have just completed their latest Science topic: 'Everyday Materials'. In this unit the children learnt about every day materials including wood, plastic, metal and rock. They learnt to identify and name everyday materials and had the opportunity to explore the properties of these materials. They carried out a simple investigation to help them decide which material would be most suitable for use of an umbrella. At the end of this unit, the children applied their knowledge of everyday materials and sorted objects out according to their properties. A range of learning activities were used in this unit including, discussions, labelling and matching activities, games and an investigation, to encourage where children had the opportunity to ask and find answers to a question.

January 2022: We have celebrated Epiphany, explored the ice, illustrated and written about people who help us and we have learned about hibernation and penguins.

December: we have been learning about Advent and preparing for Jesus' birth, we have raised money by completing the Reindeer Run and performed our Nativity. The children were amazing!

November: In Fire Safety Week we learned how to keep safe, in Remembrance Week we made poppies, in Spider Week we learned spider facts and this week we have explored the ice and snow!

YEAR 1 SCIENCE: Year 1's have just finished the topic 'Animas Including Humans'. In this topic, the children drew their own bodies and labelled the body parts; found out which parts of the body they use to hear, see, taste, smell and feel; used their senses to carry out tests; gathered information to find the answer to a puzzle; identified common animals and sorted them into different groups by comparing; named some animals that are either carnivores, herbivores and omnivores and sorted them accordingly.

October: Apple Week, printing and tasting apples; Mushroom Week, investigating, art work and storytelling; Pumpkin Week, writing prayers of thanks and life cycles. The children have been writing about their interests, the Year 1 children have researched, drawn and written about Storm Desmond, mermaids, car washes, zoos, fairy stories, telescopes and ap