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St Catherine's Catholic Primary School

Class 1

SCIENCE- Year 1: The Year 1s have just completed their final Science topic all about plants. In this unit about plants, children learnt to name the basic parts of a plant, including seeds. They had the opportunity to plant their own seeds and made observations of how they grew over time. The children also learnt to identify, name and describe a variety of garden and wild plants as well as evergreen and deciduous trees. In their final lesson, the children used all of their knowledge gained throughout the topic to identify, compare and classify plants.

June: Jubilee celebrations, Rainbow week, First Aid with Action Ants, Healthy Eating with Phunky Foods and Growing week.

May 2022: this month we had our May Procession with Class 2, Moon Week and celebrated the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

April: after the Easter break we have been very busy settling back into school. This week was Caterpillar and Butterfly Week.

March: we have made pancakes, attended our Ash Wednesday Service in church and dressed up for World Book Day. Also enjoyed having P.E. on the field, making cards and learning about Holy Week.


Head on over to the Music Page (link below) to see all the wonderful Music that has been happening this term. 

February: we have enjoyed learning in Worm Week and Wind Week and had an amazing visit from the fire service.

YEAR 1: This afternoon, 2nd March, Year 1 had the honour of being invited to the Cumbria Music Hub's Gingerbread Man Workshop at St. Andrew's Church in Penrith. The children had an amazing time, singing songs, with other schools from the local community, the the story of the Gingerbread Man.


Still image for this video

The Year 1s have just completed their latest Science topic: 'Everyday Materials'. In this unit the children learnt about every day materials including wood, plastic, metal and rock. They learnt to identify and name everyday materials and had the opportunity to explore the properties of these materials. They carried out a simple investigation to help them decide which material would be most suitable for use of an umbrella. At the end of this unit, the children applied their knowledge of everyday materials and sorted objects out according to their properties. A range of learning activities were used in this unit including, discussions, labelling and matching activities, games and an investigation, to encourage where children had the opportunity to ask and find answers to a question.

January 2022: We have celebrated Epiphany, explored the ice, illustrated and written about people who help us and we have learned about hibernation and penguins.

December: we have been learning about Advent and preparing for Jesus' birth, we have raised money by completing the Reindeer Run and performed our Nativity. The children were amazing!

November: In Fire Safety Week we learned how to keep safe, in Remembrance Week we made poppies, in Spider Week we learned spider facts and this week we have explored the ice and snow!

YEAR 1 SCIENCE: Year 1's have just finished the topic 'Animas Including Humans'. In this topic, the children drew their own bodies and labelled the body parts; found out which parts of the body they use to hear, see, taste, smell and feel; used their senses to carry out tests; gathered information to find the answer to a puzzle; identified common animals and sorted them into different groups by comparing; named some animals that are either carnivores, herbivores and omnivores and sorted them accordingly.

October: Apple Week, printing and tasting apples; Mushroom Week, investigating, art work and storytelling; Pumpkin Week, writing prayers of thanks and life cycles. The children have been writing about their interests, the Year 1 children have researched, drawn and written about Storm Desmond, mermaids, car washes, zoos, fairy stories, telescopes and apple blossom!

Autumn Term 1 2021: 


Head on over to the Music and Performance page to check out the children’s amazing musical skills this half term. Link below, Mrs Richardson. 

September 2021: Reception meeting their Year 6 Buddy

YEAR 1 SCIENCE: In this topic, the children learnt about the structure of plants and trees and what they need to grow well. They identified common plants and trees in the garden and in the wild, sorted deciduous and evergreen leaves, and crafted and labelled a plant collage picture. We planted our own seeds and observed them closely over 6 weeks, by measuring and recording its growth.

MUSIC: Class One thoroughly enjoy their music lessons. We have practiced and practiced and recorded a special performance for you all to enjoy. 

Incy Wincy Spider Video 1

Still image for this video

Incy Wincy Spider Video 2

Still image for this video

Incy Wincy Spider Video 3.mp4

Still image for this video

Incy Wincy Spider Video 4

Still image for this video

May Procession: today we walked with Class 2 to present a crown of flowers to the statue of Our Lady in the church garden. The children all made flowers which they laid on the grass before the statue. We listened to Year 2 children read the Gospel and Father John gave us a blessing.

YEAR 1 SCIENCE: Year 1 have just completed their latest topic - Seasonal Changes. Below are photos for you to enjoy, see what they have been up to during this topic. 

Year 1 Science: Our Big Book of Work - Seasonal Changes

May 2021: We have learned lots about life cycles in Butterfly Week. After listening to the story 'If Only', we painted symmetry butterflies and wrote a letter to Mr Caterpillar to share our learning. We did lots of pouring and measuring outside in the rain and Mrs. Proudfoot brought in a birds nest to show us which still had tiny eggs inside!

April 2021: this week is Ladybird and Beetles week. The children learned lots of facts, created artwork and wrote about The Bad Tempered Ladybird.

March 2021: We have had a brilliant few weeks at school, the children have enjoyed seeing their friends and getting back to work.

Your Home Learning was amazing! Well Done!



Hello Class 1, we have one more week and then we can all come back to school!

We are so excited to see you all and be back together.

It was so lovely last week to get outside and be in the sunshine. Thank you to everyone who has sent me Seesaw photos of all of your hard work, but remember to also send me pictures of the artwork that you are proud of or the walk you have been on - take a photo to send me of the flowers beginning to grow. 

I have also added a link to the World Book Day website for you to have a look at, there are lots of fantastic activities to take part in.

We hope to see you all at 11am this morning on our Zoom meeting, Mrs Richardson has a surprise! Bye for now

Mrs. Grice laugh



Please click on the link below to direct you to the Music Page to watch this inspiring video/project that was created in this current lockdown. 


Hello Class 1, I hope that you had a great half term.

You have a busy learning week ahead and lots of exciting things to do, hopefully the sun will be shining enough to get outside to play and explore.

Have a great week and I will see you on Seesaw.

Mrs. Grice


Hello Class 1 

Thank you for all of your hard work last week. I have loved looking at your work, listening to your audio responses and watching the video clips that you have sent me on Seesaw; it is all fantastic!

On Wednesday we have a live P.E. session from Shaun, I have sent you the Zoom link this morning via Seesaw - it will be great fun!

I have added the links to Oak Academy below and a link to Phunky Foods which is a website that we use in school. This link will take you to their recipe page, lots of ideas for new things to bake and cook at home. Have a great week.

Mrs Grice wink



The Diocese of Leeds are streaming daily virtual sings for children at school and home learning. They publish a list of the week's content every Monday on their Facebook, Twitter and YouTube feeds. I've attached this week's list. This week's faith theme is 'Celebrating the Mass' and their music curriculum theme is rhythm. Hope you enjoy sharing these songs with your families at home. Mrs Richardson. 

List of this week's events

Monday 1st February

Hello Class 1, I can't believe that it is February today! Spring is coming and the weather will get warmer... I completed my Big Garden Birdwatch yesterday and I finally recorded the deer for you to see, normally I'm not quick enough!

Well done to everyone who completed their daily phonics challenge last week - some of you were so fast and I even sent an extra challenge on Friday to the children who had completed it everyday - amazing work!

Have a good week and remember to send your pictures to Seesaw. laugh

Mrs. Grice

Still image for this video

Monday 25th January

Hello Class 1, I hope that you enjoyed some sunshine this weekend? When I was out walking on Sunday there were some beautiful spider's webs covered in frost and I was lucky enough to see one of the deer that live nearby. If you see something beautiful while you are out walking please photograph it and send it to Seesaw.

Below are the links to your Oak Acadamy learning and throughout the week I will be adding things to do on Seesaw. Have fun.

Mrs Grice laugh


Monday 18th January 2021

Good morning class 1, thank you so much for the photos of the home learning that you have sent me so far! I am very impressed with the baking, cooking, snowman building and sledging; you are all keeping really busy - which is fantastic! I will be printing the photos and adding them to Reception Learning Journeys and Year 1 activity books so please keep up the hard work and keep using Seesaw to send me your amazing photos.

As usual I have added the links below for your Oak National Academy lessons, I have watched them all and you have lots of fun learning ahead of you so enjoy your week.

Keep checking Seesaw for daily challenges.

Many thanks

Mrs Grice laugh

18.1.21 Seesaw tasks



Hello Class 1, Mrs Richardson here. I hope you are doing well and that you all had a good first week.


I have seen a few of you have logged onto Charanga this last week, thank you - you are all amazing. Remember, you can still access Charanga Music from home. During this lockdown, log into Charanga Music where you can access 'Yumu Packages' to enjoy music at home with your family. For about 10 to 30 minutes a week, log on and sing along with the variety of songs you'll find on there. Every week, I'll be able to see who has logged on and had some Charanga fun. Year 1's, your login details are still the same. Reception children, I have created new login details for you all. To access your login details, please drop me an e-mail at: 


Attached below is a bonus Music lesson: 'Journeys and Adventures - Walking On My Street'


YEAR 1 on the Science page (link also below), you will find your second Science lesson has been set. 


Take care all, I'll be in touch again next week, Mrs Richardson

Monday 11th January 2021

Good morning Class 1, what a wonderful snowy week we had last week! I loved the pictures that you have put on Seesaw, please keep them coming. I have added the links to your Oak National learning for this week, make sure that you ask for help if anything is too tricky or you don't understand.

Parents, please remember that you can use any resources for counting - in year 1 the teacher suggests using pasta but you can use anything around the house, pens, Lego, bottle tops, hair clips... 

I will be adding extra (optional) challenges to Seesaw throughout the week so keep checking your Seesaw app.

Next Monday, the 18th, I will be organising a new home learning pack to be posted through your door. If your child really enjoyed something in particular from the last pack let me know and I can add more of that in or if you're missing a particular resource - a number line or tens frame, etc.

Have a great week, you're doing an amazing job!

Mrs Grice laugh

January 2021

Happy New Year everybody!

What a strange start to our term, but even though we are not in school I have lots of activities to keep you busy. I have added  lessons for the children to complete from National Oak Academy, where you will find two short lessons each day. 


Year 1: 


In addition you have all had a work-pack posted through your door, please contact me via Seesaw if you have any questions. But remember not to do too much at once as these are to be used  for the following 2 weeks.

As you know it is not a requirement for Reception and Year 1 children to sit at desks all day (never more than 20 minutes per session). Their learning is very much led by their interests and it is essential that we use this as the hook for learning. Reception children are working towards writing independently and sounding out each spelling to form a simple sentence (just 4 0r 5 words) and Year 1 children are writing more structured sentences using 'and' or 'because' to add more detail. It is important that the children are writing about what they enjoy or retelling a familiar story; they can illustrate their writing and take pride in it. 


Most importantly keep up our nature study, track the weather, take photos (and send them to me), draw the things that you find and label them. Write about your adventures even if it's only in your back garden!

Please use Seesaw as often as you can, send me photos of the things that you make, the walks you go on and the treasures that you find. If you're staying at home you could do a jigsaw and send me a photo or any of your favourite things to do.

Reception parents I need you to send me examples of your child's work, crafts, interests etc, via Seesaw so that I can print it for their Learning Journey - this is really important because what you do at home contributes greatly to their Reception year.

Many, many thanks

Please keep safe and I will see you soon.         Mrs Grice wink       

(please message me via Seesaw with any questions - only I will see it as nothing you send is ever shared).

December 2020

What a busy month we have had in Class 1!

We learned and performed our Nativity, made decorations and cards and learned about stars and light. Mrs Hill delivered us some toys from Santa and we wore our festive jumpers and had Christmas dinner. Merry Christmas everyone!

November 2020: this month we have enjoyed P.E. with Shaun, painted firework pictures, learned about hedgehogs, made model rocket fireworks and had lots of fun learning.

Autumn 1 2020 - Science.

In Science this half term we have been learning all about 'Animals, including Humans'. We have explored our senses, our body parts, looked at similarities and differences of all body parts of the animal kingdom, and also learnt how some animals are carnivores, some are omnivores and others are herbivores. 

October 2020: this month Year 1 have been learning about part, part, whole using numbers to 10. 

We have observed the season changing into Autumn and investigated leaves and pumpkins. Kara brought in a birds nest to show us and it even had eggs inside! We have enjoyed making paper pumpkins and poppies for next months hall display.

September 2020: We have been busy this month learning about owls, apples, conkers and mushrooms. Also football training, counting and writing.

September 2020

Welcome back! We have had a wonderful first week at school.

Our new Reception children have settled in so quickly, they are discovering all the new things that they can do and exploring each area of the classroom. The Year 1 children have grown up so much - they are an amazing help with the younger children and have been so eager to start their year 1 learning.




































































































Friday 17th July 2020

Well done for all your hard work over this very difficult term laugh

Have a wonderful summer holiday! make sure that you keep safe and we can't wait to see you in September. Enjoy the sunshine wink

Mrs Grice and all the teachers in Class 1



Hello Class 1, in our last week before the summer holidays we will be learning about clouds.

Whilst at school we will be going outside to find a space to lay and look up at the sky. I will listen to what the children notice and record their questions and observations about the clouds, I will then use this as my starting point. Some examples of questions to explore are; how do clouds move? Where do clouds come from? Why are some clouds grey?

The children will explore weather books, photos of clouds, (clouds covering the tops of buildings and unusual formations), types of clouds and complete our daily weather chart. Together we will scientifically explore how clouds hold lots of water. Using a pipette and blue coloured water to place drops of water on a baking sheet. How many drops can you make? Then soak these up with a cotton wool ball. We will use mirrored trays outside that reflect the sky and everyday we will record the clouds that we can see. What a busy week!  laugh


Hello everyone! We are very excited to hold

St. Catherine's first-ever Virtual Sports Day

and we are enthusiastically inviting you to participate!

Please see the attachment below.

We would love you to see photos of you in action, please send them to!

Good luck! 

6.7.20 laugh

Good morning Class 1, this week in school we are learning about sunshine and shadows. Even if you are at home you can learn too. We will be outside to talk about what we can see, especially if it is a sunny day. What are shadows? How are they made? Can we create our own shadows? Do shadows change?

I will write down the children's curiosities and knowledge as a starting point. You might decide to draw around the shadows in chalk and see how these change throughout the day. You might explore shadows under a tree, shadows of objects with holes in (slotted spoons, cheese grater). Explore shadows inside by adding torches and lamps to block play and see if shadows can be made of the models that are made. We will investigate how we can use shadows to tell stories, by creating and setting up our own shadow puppet show! Take a look at reflection by placing coloured glass objects, cellophane or coloured blocks in the window and watching their colours reflect. Can we mix colours together? What do we predict will happen? Make your own sun catcher by collecting flower petals and sticking these onto plastic, putting a wooden picture frame around it and hanging it outside or in the window… there are so many creative ideas!

In maths we will be learning o’clock times and in English we will be continuing to write simple sentences; using words that are easy to sound out (I will help with any tricky spellings).

Have a fabulous week and I can’t wait to see you all back in school.  Mrs. Grice wink


Hello Class 1 laugh, we really enjoyed last weeks sunshine, I hope that you did too?

This week we will be investigating interesting weather because it will be windy all week!

Have a look at the websites below; they have lots of windy day ideas to still play outside - remember your raincoat!

Also, this week we will be reading everyday and writing about our scientific learning on the weather. In maths we will be securing number facts; understanding that 'teen' numbers are ten and one, ten and two, ten and three, etc. and building these numbers with lots of different resources - most importantly, building number sense and confidence.    Mrs Grice wink

We have really enjoyed bee week, learning new facts and making bee crafts.



Hello Class One, Mrs Richardson here, hope you are all keeping well still. I hope some of you had chance to take part in the Virtual Big Sing last Friday afternoon. We had a great time in school, singing/dancing/watching the event. So, over on Charanga, I have added the 'song packages' to your Yumu packages, so you can carry on enjoying singing. Don't forget to check out the Charanga Leader Board every Friday afternoon to see who has been on, having some Charanga fun. Good bye for now, be in touch again soon, Mrs Richardson smiley


This week we will be continuing our outdoor learning by investigating bees; spending time observing and listening. What do the children notice and see? Recording the questions that the children ask. Together we will use books and the internet to write a bee fact file and create drawings and art work. We will research the flowers and plants that bees are attracted to (these tend to be yellow and orange) and plant our own bee friendly garden.  Like us you could spend as much time as you can outside and learn about bees too.    Have a great week.  Mrs Grice wink

June 2020: Reception children have had a brilliant week. We have been on a nature hunt, investigating everything that is growing in our allotment and drawing what we discovered.

We have used both of our outdoor areas for learning and play.



Hello Class One, Mrs Richardson  laughyes checking in with you all, hoping you, your family and friends are all keeping well. Just wanted to remind you all that it is the


To find out about all the details for this great event, please do check out the Music page. It would be great if you could take any photos or videos of you partaking in the Virtual Big Sing. As always, you can contact my via my school e-mail:

Happy singing everyone smiley


Good morning Class 1

This week in Reception we will be looking at the world around us, what is growing and what nature treasures we can find. We will be making binoculars for bird watching, collecting, sorting and drawing what we can find around us.  There are also some great games to play at:

Year One I would like you to join in our nature watch too but I think that you could also make  a non-fiction book! This could include labelled sketches that describe the objects that you have found, a contents page telling the reader what is included and a beautiful front cover.                       Have an amazing week, Mrs Grice wink

8.6.20 Year 1 please click on the link below for this weeks maths lessons:


Hello Class 1, it is so long since we have been together and we are all missing you lots!

Me, Miss Rudd, Ms Baird and Mrs Richardson have all been in class getting things ready for when we can come back to school, which I hope won't be too much longer. 

I know that you have all been working hard at home, well done laugh

This week I have some websites for Reception parents to look at, lots of advice, top tips and learning for the children so please have a look at the links below.

Year One keep working through BBC Bitesize Daily:

and the link to key stage 1 maths that Miss Elliott added above.

It is important to continue daily reading , listening to and enjoying stories together and practising sight words: 

Have a great week                                           Mrs Grice wink



Hello Class 1, I hope you are all keeping well. Year 1, Miss Elliott has set a Science task over on the Science link on Class 2 page. Below is the link to that page. 'Happy Investigating' smiley

Monday 1st June

Good morning Class 1, what a beautiful sunny day laugh

This week I would like Reception and Year 1 to have a go at the following activity:  

Description of a New Animal

A good way of asking children to use their descriptive writing skills is to ask them to invent a new animal. Ask them to describe and draw what it looks like, where it lives, what it does, what it eats etc. It might be useful to discuss existing animals and their characteristics beforehand.

Can the children write labels on their animal?

Can they write a sentence about it?

Can they plan, tell and then write a short story about their creature?

Also have a look at and as usual.

Have an amazing week and keep looking outside at the changes in nature happening everyday, you could record your findings to show me when we get back.                           Mrs Grice wink 

Next week is half term! I challenge you to do a kind thing everyday and have a happy holiday. Mrs Grice


Hello Class 1, the sun isn't shining today but that's okay because I have lots to do here at home, it's a new busy week! 

While I was out walking I decided to take a photograph of every different flower I could see...

I've created a flower hunting sheet for you to see if you can find any of the flowers (see below).

Reception: there are some maths activities for you at:

Year 1: as usual I would like you to complete the lessons at:  - on this page there are activities for all subjects, some things that Reception children would enjoy too!

Have a fantastic week              Mrs Grice laugh


I'm missing you all, including Ms Baird, Miss Rudd and Mrs Richardson! So I asked them to send some photos so we can see what they're doing. I added some photos of my walk and the deer that walked so close to me in Carlisle Cemetery, I was so excited!


Good morning Class 1

I hope that you enjoyed VE day on Friday, I loved listening to the stories from those who were there 75 years ago and how they remembered the street parties that they had. It was lovely to see that people dressed up, they had made flags and had a picnic in their garden!

This week I'd like you to visit the websites I've added, most sites have something different everyday for you to work on. The pictures from Pobble365 are amazing, so much to write about, even the youngest children can talk about what they can see! I've added a story retell sheet where children can plan out a whole story based on the picture.

As we spend such a lot of time outside I have added a bug hunt for you to do and an art activity where you need to draw each season, this could be the things that you see or the clothes that you would wear or the events that happen in each season; it's up to you.

Don't forget to keep active: have a look at Shaun's challenge

Have and amazing day!                                         Mrs Grice wink


Hello Class 1, I had fun yesterday... whilst potting some plants I found 4 snails living under the bag of soil. So, as I didn't want them eating my flowers I moved them into the field next door! It was lovely to watch them come out of their shells and find a new place to sleep!

Friday 8th May is the 75th Anniversary of VE day, I have added a picture (below) for you to print and colour. If, like me, you don't have a printer then you could draw your own party picture...

English: I have added a link (below) where you can listen to a story every day this week. When you have listened to the story I would like you to find your favourite page, copy the picture, colour it and write about why you like it. Parents you will need to support your child when writing, encouraging the children to sound out each word, remember a finger space and a full stop to end.

Reception, you know how to sound out the words, listening to the first, middle and end sounds.

Year 1, you are able to write in sentences using 'and' or 'because' to extend.

Maths: I would like you to carry on as we have been, using bbc bitesize daily and White Rose.

Reception, you know how to count to 10, easy! but this week think about writing those numbers and finding different ways to make numbers.

For example how many ways can you make 5?

ALWAYS using pebbles or little toys to help you SEE the maths. 5+0 = 5, what else? 4+1 = 5, show we another way... how do you know?

               -  Have a brilliant week!                                     Mrs Grice laugh


Hello Class 1, well done to you all for keeping busy at home for five weeks!

On my daily walk I am looking out for the changes in nature, I have seen the buds open and the flowers growing over the weeks. At the end of my road there are two ducks in the pond, I wonder if she will lay eggs there? Also when I walk I listen to the Harry Potter books from my phone and I can't believe that I am on chapter 4 of book 3!!! That is a lot of storytelling but I am loving listening to it. wink

Reception parents, please keep following the advice that I posted last week in addition to the activities below.

Year 1 parents, please follow the bbc bitesize  daily lessons, it is updated daily and is fantastic!


Thank you everyone for your hard word, I would love to see what you have been doing when we get back to school because I am always proud of your amazing work. laugh              Mrs Grice


Hello Class 1, I hope that you are enjoying the sunshine and getting lots of fresh air. wink

Today I have added links to the BBC Bitesize website where they are putting online lessons each day for you to take part in (for Year 1 children but Reception can look too). Have fun!


Reception parents, please keep learning fun - in Reception the learning is not formal, we don't need to be sat at a desk to learn. I let the children take the lead and I interact with them by listening to their ideas and playing alongside them. I ask questions that require the children to explain their actions, can you tell me how you made that? what was the 1st thing you did? I wonder what will happen if...? I wonder what will happen next? what could you try next? 

Then I encourage the children to write about what they have been doing, it may be a list, a story, a picture with a caption underneath or just words to represent their activity. I often write what the child says and they like to copy it, I help with spellings but ask them what sounds they can hear. Remember to spark an activity from your child's interests - if they're not interested it's not going to fun for you or them, if every piece of writing is about a unicorn, dinosaurs, Elsa or a train it's okay!                 

Thank you to all of you working hard at home - Mrs Grice laugh

Reception maths challenges

Hello Year Ones,

 Please remember to click on the below link called 'Maths'.

Then select, 'Year One' to access maths work from Miss. Elliott yes


Hello Class 1, did you enjoy the two websites I want you to look at each day?

Remember to access your maths task and your writing task everyday! as well as reading the books you have at home or free books online.

I am missing seeing you all everyday.

Mrs Grice wink


15.4.20     Good morning smiley

Today I have found a website full of  pictures to inspire your writing! have a look at Pobble:

Reception writing: the target for reception children is to write a simple sentence. Look at the picture, what can you see? e.g.   It is cold.  The girl had fun.

Year 1 writing: I would like you to look at the Pobble website everyday and write about the picture that you see. You could describe the picture, write what they are thinking or saying, write their story, what happened?

Focus on your handwriting, can you read it? Don't worry about every spelling as long as you have sounded it out - look at your alphabet card, it will help you remember.


Reception and Year 1 children - Please keep all of your writing as I would love to read it when we are back at school!

Mrs Grice




Good morning Class 1, I hope that you had a wonderful Easter and haven't eaten too many eggs! The sun is shining so I hope that you have been outside to play.

Our P.E. coach Shaun has added some football skills lessons to his YouTube page - have a look using the link:


I have been looking at our internet safety website and each fortnight, they will be releasing new home activity packs with simple 15 minute activities you can do with your child to support their online safety at a time when they will spending more time online at home. Please take a look using the links below.

Mrs Grice


Hello Class 1, Mrs Richardson here smiley Hope you all have had a fabulous Easter weekend. Just wanted to let you know that you can still access Charanga for all your Music creativity. There are two programmes you can still access: 'Our World' for Reception, 'In the Groove' for Year 1 and 'Charanga Music World' for all. Just log on and have fun!! Check out the Charanga Leader Board on the music page to see who has logged onto Charanga and has gained the most points through all the fun they have had!!

YEAR 1 - SCIENCE TASK 1 PROGRESS (WEEK COMMENCING 23.03.2020): Over the Easter holidays, I hope you all had chance to plant a seed, looked after it and recorded its progress. Don't worry if you haven't yet, plenty of time still to get in on the action. Don't forget to take its measurements on a weekly basis, take photos or draw it changes and consider what it needs in order to grow. Check out the sunflower seeds I planted with my boys three weeks ago, they are coming along a treat now! 

YEAR 1 - SCIENCE TASK 2 (WEEK COMMENCING 14.04.2020):Take lots of photos or research on the internet local tress and plants. Can you name them? 

Please do send any of your Science work or musical photos/videos to so I can share your success' on your class page. Missing you all, stay safe, goodbye for now. smiley 




Story time: every Thursday at 4pm on The Gruffalo Facebook page - enjoy!

Friday 27.3.20 Good morning Class 1. Today I have added some Easter ideas, if you don't have a printer you can still do the activities on your own paper. Have Fun!

Miss Rudd has been busy in the garden today and planted some bulbs...

26th March: Hello Class 1, I hope that you are all staying safe at home and looking after everyone in your house. This morning I've been on a nature walk and taken lots of photos for you to see.

What can you hear? Who can you see?

Still image for this video

Phonics Play has lots of free games, have a look at We don't learn in the same phases but Reception children are familiar with Phase 3 sounds and Year 1 will recognise Phase 4 and 5 sounds. Have fun! Some maths activities for reception and year1:

MARCH: Year 1 Science - The children have been investigating the weather and learning all about the seasons. 

February 2020: we have made Chinese lanterns, drawn maps, read with our buddies, learned 'teen' numbers and played in the snow

January 2020: Happy New Year! We have been reading Owl Babies, playing in the rain, learning about people who help us, adding numbers and making masks.

December 2019: we have been investigating the ice, Christmas dressing up, decorating our Christmas tree, exploring length and height, meeting a Policeman who told us about road safety and visiting Kendal theatre. We were very excited when Santa visited us!

November 2019: we have been finding shapes in play, discovering the Gruffalo storysack, making poppies for Remembrance Day, investigating our pumpkin and working in our Houses to learn about Judaism.

October 2019: we have been baking bread, had our school disco, investigated the class pumpkin when we cut it open and Miss Turner became Mrs Grice!

September 2019: Our new Reception children have settled in really well; exploring our classroom and meeting their buddies.
