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St Catherine's Catholic Primary School


Week of Monday 13th July

Dream Catchers

This week children why not have a go at creating your very own dream catcher?

The Year One children in school have been very busy making their own.

They used a paper plate to make the circular edge then used bright colours to paint fantastic patterns.

Next, they practised their braiding to make the tassels, which they attached to the bottom of the circle.

Then, the children used straw to create spindles across the circle.

The children then carefully weaved wool between all the spindles to create a spider-web effect.

Finally, they attached a hook to hang their dream catcher.

Week of Monday 6th July

Prince Portrait

This week I would love you to have a go at re-creating this lovely photo of my pet, Prince.

You could use sketching pencils to draw an outline then add some shading for depth. Or, you could use different coloured paper and tissue to create a collage. I look forward to seeing your final pieces.



Week of Monday 29th June

Stranded on a Desert Island!

Children this week you have become stranded on a desert island! Oh no!

But do not worry you have a plan… you are going to send a post-card in a bottle,

across the sea in the hope that someone will find it and send a rescue party or at the

very least send you some emergency supplies!

Download the attached ‘Desert Island Booklet’ to guide you through your plan! Good luck!

Extension: Design your very own flag for the stranded island.

Desert Island Setting Inspiration

Week of Monday 22nd June

Let’s Explore the UK

This week I would like you to visit the below website link to remind yourself of:

  • The countries of the UK,
  • The capital city of each country of the UK.

I would like you to make a huge poster with all the information you’ve learned. Have Fun!

Week of Monday 15th June

Beatrix Potter Inspired Art

This week I am very excited to set this task as I cannot wait to see the fantastic work you will produce!

I would love you to create a Beatrix Potter Inspired drawing.

I know Peter Rabbit is a popular character for many so why not have a go at sketching him!

You could copy a Beatrix sketch or draw your own background for Peter Rabbit (or any other characters). Looking closely at these drawings we can see Beatrix Potter uses fine lines to outline her images, before lightly adding splashes of soft colours. Perhaps you could experiment with how you will apply colour?

Will you use crayons very lightly or water-based colours/paints?

Perhaps you could add some shading too?

Beatrix also conveys movements by using little lines to show creases and add detail.

Could you do the same? Please remember to take your time and send me your masterpieces!


P.s. If you need a little hand to get started, you can visit the youtube link below,

which has a step-by-step guide to help you!

If you would like more information about Beatrix Potter and her brilliant books,

please visit the website below too.

How to draw & paint Peter Rabbit like Beatrix Potter

Week of Monday 8th June

Royal Mint release very special Dinosaur Coins

The first-ever augmented reality dinosaur coins have been launched by Royal Mint.

Not only do they have amazing pictures of dinosaurs on them but they are the first-ever to use AR, (virtually see real dinosaurs from a coin surface).

The coins also feature where and when the first fossil of that dinosaur was discovered - WOW!


Royal Mint make most of the UK's coins, using the latest colour printing technique they can vividly show the megalosaurus, iguanodon and Hylaeosaurus on the the coins.

Royal Mint have worked closely with the Natural History Museum to carefully and

realistically bring the prehistoric creatures to life.  

I would love you to design your very own coin(s) based on

everything you know about dinosaurs and their fossils.

How realistic can you make your dinosaur look?

What coin will you use? What size will your coin be?


For more information, about the dinosaur coins, visit the website below.

Just in case you're wondering, 'How to be a dinosaur!' visit the link below to complete a quiz!

Week of Monday 1st June

Local Geography - Plague Stone

This week I set you a challenge...

Firstly, can you locate this famous stone?

(I am confident we have ALL walked past it without realising!)

Please draw a map, including the famous stone of course, and other near landmarks, churches, town hall, school, shops. Can you include main roads too?


Secondly, research (with parental support) why it is famous.

Extension research: Is there more than one? If so, where?


Thirdly, create an informative poster to tell others all about the stone and its history! 

I can't wait to find out what you learn, please email me your work,

Week of Monday 18th May


This week I would really like you to visit the below website which contains an abundance of brilliant interactive geographical based games, ranging from world games, to identifying countries and flags. Please don't worry if you find the games tricky to begin with... practise, practise, practise!


Once you've become an expert, test yourself! Below is a world map...

How many of the world's 207 countries can you find/name?

Have a go at learning the locations and flags of every nation!

This is a long task so please take you're time...

Remember you can use any maps or atlases to help you!


Week of Monday 11th May

Vincent Van Gogh

After 14 years, two paintings by Vincent Van Gogh - thought to be lost - were rediscovered.

These paintings had in fact been stolen from the Van Gogh Museum in 2002.

The fast-moving thieves were in and out of the museum in only a few minutes.

The robbery became world news, shocking the public.

In September 2016, an Italian law team, who started an investigation, stumbled across the two paintings! They then happily returned to the paintings to the museum in Amsterdam.


Can YOU recreate one or both of the stolen paintings?

You can use any materials you like: paints, crayons, pencils, felt-tips, college.

You can trace the templates below, use them to sketch your own masterpieces or colour them in.


If you would like to find out more information about Van Gogh and his paintings, visit this website:


Extension: Compare the two paintings! Which painting do you like best and why? What are the similarities and differences between Gogh's two paintings? Can you write a description for each one?

Week of Monday 4th May

Class Two become architects! 

Children, I challenge you to build your own CITY/TOWN...

You can base your development on the town Penrith or any town/city you have visited.

All you need to do is, print the templates, add some colour/detail,

cut along the red lines, fold along the blue lines and glue matching flaps together.

Then repeat…. depending on how many building you would like in your town/city.

Please don’t forget to send me your innovative plans!


Extension: Can you add surroundings to your city? Perhaps some trees, a lake or river?

Is there a road, do you need signs?

(Templates courtesy of British architecture studio, Foster + Partners.)

Week of Monday 27th April

Art - linking to RE 

1. I would love you to design a cross to show, 'Jesus is Risen.'

You can use any resources/tools/equipment you like. 

You could use college lettering to create words, use of symbols or even create a crown of flowers?

Prayer Table

2. Create a prayer table at home!

In school, we choose from, an artefact, a candle, a picture, a prayer and a story

but at home, you can choose ANY 5 objects to go on your prayer table.


Don't forget this week we are celebrating Pentecost. Pentecost is a time of celebration so a white tablecloth would be fab! 

Please do send me some photos!



A little booklet explaining Coronavirus for children

Week of Monday 23rd March

Geography - World Map


This year Class Two have become very familiar with continents and maps.

Have a go at creating a world map using the printable documents below.

1. Can you construct a world map without any help?

2. Check your map,

3. Draw your own flat world map,

4. Add the continent labels (can you spell them?).



1. The size of each continent: Can you order them smallest to largest?

2. Find out about 'The Ring of Fire': Can you create a fact-file?


Week of Monday 16th March

Chester Zoo - Live Visit

From 10am Chester Zoo is doing a live stream and opening its 'virtual gates' to let you inside!

Click on the link below to access the line stream:



10:00 πŸ‘‰ Red pandas 🐼

11:00 πŸ‘‰ Rothschild's giraffes πŸ¦’

12:00 πŸ‘‰ Asian elephants 🐘

13:00 πŸ‘‰ Butterflies πŸ¦‹

14:00 πŸ‘‰ Sun bears 🐻

14:30 πŸ‘‰ Sumatran tigers πŸ…

14:45 πŸ‘‰ Humboldt penguins 🐧

16:00 πŸ‘‰ Aquarium* 🐠


Research the habitats of the following African animals.

What do they have in common? What is different?


Challenge: Design your own zoo!
