General Notices
All children will have 2 reading books sent home per week. We ask that you read with your child every night in order for them to improve their reading, fluency and understanding of a range of texts. Books will be changed on a Wednesday. We encourage children to read their books more than once to fully understand what they are reading.
Homework will be sent out on a Friday and will be due in on the following Wednesday. This will also include some spellings for the children to practise. Any questions about this please see Miss Gordon.
To support children at home with their maths, they all have a log in for 'Times Table Rock Stars' (TTRS). Please encourage them to use this as much as possible. If you need help with this please see a member of staff.
Our main contact platform from school to home is via Seesaw. If you need a new log in please see Miss Gordon.
Miss Gordon's email:
I am always available for a chat so please do not hesitate to contact me!
Miss Gordon
THE LITTLE BIG SING: Use the link below to the Music Page to check out the photos from our amazing concert!!