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St Catherine's Catholic Primary School

Catholic Life at St Catherine's Primary

We are a Catholic School  

We welcome families of all faiths to join us


Our Mission Statement is a clear reflection of our intentions as a school:

St. Catherine's mission is to educate children

in the virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity.

With Christ as our Teacher, we grow in Faith as

enthusiastic learners in a safe and supportive family.


We are privileged to share with our pupils, the awe and wonder they experience as they learn through the scriptures and apply the lessons to their own lives; safe in the knowledge that God is a kind and loving Father. 


Our Parish Priest, Fr John Winstanley, visits us every week in school and regularly shares Mass and Services with our classes.


RE Curriculum at St. Catherine's

Prayers we share in school

Festive House Day - December 2024

Class 1 and Class 2 Nativity 2024

Reindeer Run 2024 - raising over £1,300 for Jigsaw Hospice charity

Crib Blessing November 28th 2024

St. Catherine's Feast Day 2024 - The children worked in their house groups to make celebration cards

Our Annual Parish Bake Sale - Sunday 24th November 2024

House Shields


Today the children came together in their house groups to create their house shields.

 It was an absolute pleasure to watch the older children support our younger pupils and ending the day with a huge 'Ring O Ring O Roses' game on the playground.

Buddy Assembly

September 2024

Welcome to our new Reception children

At our Buddy Assembly the Year 6 children presented their Buddies with a gift, their very own Buddy Bear. We know that the Year 6's will be fabulous role models to the younger children.

July 2024

Well done to all of our wonderful Reception children and their Year 6 Buddies! The Reception children presented a painted portrait to their Buddy during our Leaver's Mass on Wednesday and then the parents and children enjoyed a coffee morning to celebrate.

Congratulations Father John on your Silver Anniversary of Ordination

Year 5 and 6 Residential at Barcaple 2024

The pupils engaged fully in the 'explore' sessions held daily. Based on biblical stories and life lessons pupils explored what it means to live a Christian life and to follow Jesus' example. Pupils took part in activities (role plays/games and discussions) based on bible stories and explored their meaning more fully. They listened to the testimony of instructors who shared their thoughts and ideas about what it means to follow Jesus in the world today.  They listened to bible readings and were all part of prayer sessions which they were invited to join. Instructors said they were one of the most respectful, engaged and interested groups they have worked with this year.

Wednesday Celebration Assemblies: Summer 2024

Working together with other Catholic Schools

Class One and Class Two May Procession 2024

Holy Communion May 2024: what a beautiful day to celebrate!

Holy Week: March 2024

This week we have been raising money for charity - our Lenten fundraising - we have had a chocolate raffle and a non-uniform day. We spent time in our year groups learning about Holy Week and then came together in our House groups to create Resurrection artwork. 

Palm Sunday Procession 2024

Class 3 have visited church to learn about Father John's role in our parish. January 2024

St. Catherine's School Choir: what a busy month December has been!

Monday 18th December: Festive Faith Day - Christmas Celebrations (also pyjama day!)

December 2023

Our Year 6 Buddies have worked so hard to design, cut, sand, paint and build a Nativity toy for the Reception children. Father John came into school to bless each Nativity before they were presented to the Class 1 children. Thank you Year 6

What a busy week!

We had Christmas dinner (thank you for the delicious food) we wore our Christmas jumpers and took part in the Reindeer Run - raising over £400 for the charity Jigsaw - amazing!

Class One and Class Two Nativity: December 2023

Class 3 Carol Concert

The children performed their depiction of the nativity (Just a Little Christmas) beautifully in church. There were scripture readings by the Year 4 children and a tableau of acting by the Year 3 children.  The whole class sang their hearts out!

November 2023: Our annual Crib Blessing

Every Wednesday we have our Celebration Assembly using our School Values of Kindness, Respect and Resilience.

November 2023: all classes created wonderful poppy displays. Also the Year 6 children sold poppies and British Legion products, raising lots of money for charity.

Fundraising 2023

House Day - 11th October 2023: Today we met in our house groups to create our class shields. St. David, St. Patrick, St. George and St. Andrew

Sunday Mass

Welcoming our new starters with their Buddy Assembly - our Year 6 children are such fantastic role models and support to their Reception Buddies

First Holy Communion: 20.5.23 - We were so pleased that fifteen children made their First Holy Communion this year.

Key Stage One children enjoyed their annual May Procession. We walked along to the church garden to present Mary's statue with beautiful flowers. The children said the Hail Mary prayer and sang a hymn. We were so glad that the sun was shining!

Christmas festivities around the world

Celebrating St. Catherine in our house groups

Parish and School Crib Blessing 2022

First Holy Communion Day - Saturday 21st May 2022

Advent 2021


Fr. John had a beautiful outdoor crib placed in the Church Garden and our school was invited to join the Parish for a Blessing.

It was a bitterly cold afternoon, but the children sang Love Shone Down beautifully and read Bidding Prayers.

We are very excited for home time because the crib will be all lit up!

Holy Week 2021


We held a beautiful service in the Church gardens with Fr John. The sun shone down on us and we really enjoyed listening to the readings and singing our songs as we shared the stories of Holy Week.

Fr. John told us about the Re-dedication of England to Mary, our Mother in Heaven

Thank you to Fr. John for leading our assembly today in Church. Fr. John had arranged for the statue, Our Lady of Walsingham, from St. Edmund's Parish in Carlisle, to be brought to St. Catherine's Church. Fr. John told us about the Re-Dedication of England to Mary on 29th March 2020. We held a short prayer service and thought carefully about what we would like to ask Our Lady to help us with.
