Science lessons week 3
Science lessons - week 2
Week Commencing 05.01.2021
Below are links to access your Science lessons for this half term. I will upload one lesson every week, to be completed at a time of your choosing. Any work you wish to share, you may e-mail me at srichardson@st-catherines.cumbria.sch.uk
22.06.2020 - 18.07.2020
Hello Year 1 and Year 2, Mrs Richardson back here again.
I have found this amazing pack that you can work through, one activity a week.
The 'beauty'of this document is that you can choose to do the activities in any order, so you can choose the activities that appeal to you the most.
These tasks will keep you busy now till the end of the term.
Please do let me know how you get on with the tasks, I can't wait to see which tasks you choose to do.
Keep well and safe all, goodbye for now - Mrs Richardson
Week of Monday 15th June
Parachute Time
When I was younger I used to love making parachutes and investigating how they fall,
I wonder if you will enjoy this investigation just as much?
Download the attached document to find out how to make your very own home parachute.
Then, have fun exploring how the shape and material of your parachute affects its decent.
Don’t forget the impact of the string length either! Have fun and happy parachuting!
Week of Monday 8th June
Salt Dough Fossils
This week I would like you to watch the documentary attached
below, which is about palaeontologists (and fossils).
Then, have a go (with adult permission) at creating your very own salt dough fossils!
(instructions attached below)
I know some of my year two boys would love to be palaeontologists when
they are older so I hope you enjoy!
Week of Monday 1st June
Can you create your own rainbow?
This week is all about investigating rainbows - but not those in the sky, these ones are in your homes!
1. Can you follow the instructions (see attached document below) and create not one,
but several rainbows?
2. Please write your investigations using the template below.
3. Discuss: Which method was the most successful? Which method did you prefer? Why?
Extension: Research, how rainbows appear in the sky.
Can you draw and label a diagram?
Hello Year 1 and Year 2, hope you are all well still. And also I hope you have all enjoyed all the tasks that Miss Elliot and myself have set for you these last 5 weeks. Well this is it, last task of the half term - can't believe we have had done a full half term at home, it has gone so quickly!! So for this weeks' task, continue to monitor the progress of your plant, draw pictures, label and measure its growth. Also, you can visit the BBC Bitesize web page (see link below) to consolidate all that you have learnt so far about plants. As always, I love receiving your emails with all your work and your smiley photos, please continue to keep in touch: srichardson@st-catherines.cumbria.sch.uk
Hello Year 1 and 2, how are you all? Keeping well I hope.
Spring is a wonderful time of year to grow plants and learn all about them.
Lots of foods we eat come from plants, like fruits and vegetables. So for this week's task, I would like you to research foods that have come from a plant. You could take photos (or draw pictures) of any foods you have in your kitchen that either come from a plant or a vegetable. You could also take photos (or draw pictures) of any vegetable or fruit plants that you have grown in your garden or any that you see when you are out and about on your local walk.
As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. I'll look forward to seeing your research srichardson@st-catherines.cumbria.sch.uk
Good bye for now
Hello Year 1 and Year 2. This week, I would like you to continue to look after your plants: measure their progress and draw/take pictures to show how it has changed from week to week. Below is the sunflower plant that I planted with my children way back in March. It started off with only 2 small leaves, and then soon after as the weeks have progressed, more leaves have grown and it has grown so tall, it now measures at 83 cm now. I am so impressed. We have kept it in a really sunny, warm place and made sure its been watered regularly (not too often mind, over watering can kill plants sometimes ) I have been super impressed with all the photos of the plants that some of you have grown, keep sending your photos to me (srichardson@st-catherines.cumbria.sch.uk). Take care children, I'll be in touch again next week, Mrs Richardson
Hello children, your tasks are attached below. I hope you are all enjoying the Science tasks. Any questions or if you'd like to send photos of your work, please do send them to srichardson@st-catherines.cumbria.sch.uk Check out Class 2's celebration link for all the fabulous Science that's being happening at home
Hello Class 2, Mrs Richardson here - what a beautiful sunny week we are having! Hope you are all getting chance to spend some time in the outdoors. This week, I would like to you to get outside, Year 1 - find some beautiful flowers, Year 2 - find some magnificent trees, and choose one to do a detailed drawing of it. Look closely at all the parts and then label your drawing with the different parts. If you would like to share your drawings with me, please send them to srichardson@catherines.cumbria.sch.uk. I do enjoy seeing what you are all up to, goodbye for now, I will be in touch at the end of the week.