Week of Monday 18th May
Week of Monday 11th May
This week I would like you to have a go at the 'Warm-up' maths questions below.
They can repeated several times / daily and your challenge is to beat your score or the time taken to correctly answer all the questions on a given page!
I would also like you to focus on money!
Your challenge is to:
1. Name and identify all coins and notes.
2. To write the correct notation (numbers and symbols) for all coins and notes.
3. To talk about the difference between pounds (£) and pence (p).
4. To count money in pence (p) only.
5. To count money in pounds (£) only.
6. To begin to count money using pounds (£) and pence (p).
Try to use practical coins/notes where possible.
Take your time, if you get stuck, don't worry, repeat the same step, until you feel confident to move on.
Extension: Activity game
Week of Monday 4th May
Addition, Subtraction and Problem Solving
Year Two Children take your time to work through the below questions.
Remember to read the question carefully and to identify the correct operation:
are you adding +, subtraction -, or calculating the answer =.
Can you rewrite the mathematical equations in any other way to help you solve the calculation?
Don't forget you can always use resources to help you problem solve.
Week of Monday 27th April
Partitioning, Addition and Subtraction
Year Two children I know that you are amazing at partitioning numbers, can you demonstrate to your parents how you can split a 2-digit/3-digit number into hundreds, tens and ones?
I have attached some 'Dienes Tens and Ones' below (or you can use representative at home).
Please compose a 2-digit number, show it on the 'Tens and Ones Grid',
partition it on the Part-Part Whole. How many ways can you partition the same numbers?
For example. 34 = 30 + 4 or 34 = 33 + 1 or. 34 = 10 + 24
Create two 2-digit numbers and add them! Repeat the above process.
You can partition each number into tens and ones first, then add the tens, add the ones.
For example. 34 + 25 is 30 + 20 and 4 + 5.
Or 4 + 5 is 9, so 30 + 20 + 9 = 59 What other number facts can you use?
You can also use the dienes to practise subtraction, in the same way as above.
I have attached a 100-square to support. Don't forget to check your answers.
Challenges: Make 100 and Zero the Hero - Enjoy and Good Luck!
Any queries please email me helliott@st-catherines.cumbria.sch.uk
Week of Monday 20th April
Fractions - sorry Year Two (little bit more on fractions please)
I know many of you have been practising fractions and will find these tasks easy - that's excellent - please use them as a warm-up!
For those who are visiting fractions new, please follow the lessons first.
Have a go at the activities in order. Then with some guidance, have a go at the worksheets.
If you struggle, don't worry (I know fractions are tricky) - take your time - send me any queries.
Challenge: Be Creative! I would love you to design me a fractions poster!
You must include everything you have learned so far!
I would love to see different shapes used and key vocabulary! Don't forget to send me your work!
Friday 27th March
Children I would love you to visit the following website at 10am to join in with a live maths party!
1. Choose your year group
2. Watch the video
3. Answer the questions - good luck!
Arithmetic Papers
I know my Year Two children genuinely enjoy doing maths papers, so give them a good go!
Any tricky questions/queries please send me an email... PLEASE, let me know how you get on!
Column addition of 2-digit numbers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHM25Nx4vhg&list=PLWIJ2KbiNEyq1iZ36fRe-xTJ4NNZsmYz9&index |
Fractions of amounts |
Column subtraction of 2-digit number https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pADFYrGdyYE&list=PLWIJ2KbiNEyq1iZ36fRe-xTJ4NNZsmYz9&index |
Time (o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to) |
Division as grouping and sharing |
Equivalent fractions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieT9k537jP4&list=PLWIJ2KbiNEypS0zxt54Wez5X4gnQ-xxvu&index |
Number facts |
Maths Games |
Place value https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBIZal-8Kr4&list=PLWIJ2KbiNEyplZvdo0-OU48R3KSq3ywhV&index |
Number bonds to 10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SD028NO-ZGc&list=PLWIJ2KbiNEyoBDc5yLJ4PaiaY3o5E5xCB&index=5&t Link to the ‘Make 10 Pyramid’ card game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IFFRWkMWGk&list=PLWIJ2KbiNEyoBDc5yLJ4PaiaY3o5E5xCB&index
10 more and 10 less Link to video on adding 10: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqUtj9rkYCU&list=UUob4tkfOSXy6yav9Y54SKIQ&index Link to video on subtracting 10: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWhOUv5mC9s&list=UUob4tkfOSXy6yav9Y54SKIQ&index |
Place value Play the ‘Guess my Number’ place value game. Make 2 sets of 2-digit Link to ‘Guess my Number’ video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzvQ5R-A0Bk&list=PLWIJ2KbiNEyoBDc5yLJ4PaiaY3o5E5xCB&index |