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St Catherine's Catholic Primary School

Religious Education

Week of Monday 13th July


This week I would like you to familiarise yourself with our school prayers.

Please spend some time reading them out-loud to your friends and family.

Could you draw a picture or design a cross to go with each prayer?



Week of Monday 6th July

The Feast of St. Benedict

Children, this week we celebrate the feast of St. Benedict.

Attached below is a prayer and liturgy for you to follow.

Also attached is a short clip of, 'The Story of Benedict'.

Story of Saint Benedict | St. Benedict | Stories of Saints | English

St. Benedict is believed to have been born around 480, as the son to a Roman noble of Norcia and the twin to his sister, Scholastica. Benedict and his sister...

Week of Monday 29th June

The Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul

Children, this Sunday we celebrated the feast of two of the greatest saints in Christianity,

Saint Peter and Saint Paul. They are seen as the founders of the faith.

They were not perfect, but they did great things out of love for God.

Attached below is a prayer and liturgy about, The Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul.

Week of Monday 22nd June

The Good Samaritan, Who is my neighbour?

This week I would like you to read the bible story, The Good Samaritan, Luke 10.25-27 and have a go at the activities in the booklet. Also attached is a short clip of the story being read out.

Week of Monday 15th June


Children, we can prayer anytime, anywhere and with anyone! 

Please visit the website below, which has some beautiful prayers for you to share on.

I would love you to write your own prayer, who will your prayer be for? 

Perhaps you could hold a small collective worship at home, with your family and share prayers together (attached below is a short prayer and liturgy for you to follow).

Also attached is Corpus Christi narrative - enjoy.  

Week of Monday 8th June

The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde

This week I would like you to reflect on the story of, The Selfish Giant, written by Oscar Wilde.

I know in Class we are very good at talking about 'good choices' and how to make better choices.

I would like you to think about the choices the giant makes throughout the story and

the consequences these choices have, on his own feelings, and the feelings of others. 

I would like you to identify the different feelings the giant has,

particularly comparing the start of the story to the end of the story. 


If you have the story at home, please read it out-loud, otherwise you can watch the below clip.

Then, with an adult, work through the questions attached below.

(Don't worry if your responses are too long to write in the boxes.

The questions are designed to navigate conversation and to elicit reflection).

The Selfish Giant

In one of the most moving of Oscar Wilde's fairy stories, the heart of a selfish giant is melted by the sight of a small, helpless child.

Week of Monday 1st June

"Do the Right Thing"

I would like you to click on the below weblink and read the interactive story.

Then, please have a go at the activity booklet:

1. Creating discussion dilemma cards

2. Writing Alternative endings (including your own)

3. Role-play Lilly and Mum, comparing their feelings, actions and consequences

4. Visit the below Website Quiz link to answer questions based on Lillys dilemma.

Week of Monday 18th May

May the Month of Mary

During May we remember Mary, The Mother of Jesus.

You may remember taking part in schools May Procession, where we lay flowers in Fathers Garden before the Mary Statue. 

Please can you take some time to remember her too.

I would like you to go through the powerpoint (see below) and recreate a Mary Altar.

Then please take your time to work through the Activity Booklet attached below.


I would also like you to have a go at recording the brilliant acts of kindness that you do everyday on the attached calendar below! You could even complete a family calendar or repeat this every month?


Extension: Can you teach others in your house the Hail Mary Prayer without using the words?

What other prayers can you learn together as a family? 

Week of Monday 11th May


I would like you to explore Reconciliation this week.

I have attached three documents below, that I would like you to visit in order please.

Please, remember to share your beautiful and thoughtful work with me,



Week of Monday 4th May

Family Kindness Jar

Class Two I know that your family and friends are really important to you.

It is very important to show appreciation to the people we care about and it is lovely to reflect on all the lovely things others do for us, and the things we can do for them.

I would like you to collate all the wonderful things that your family and friends do and create a lovely “Kindness Jar” to store the happy memories.


You can use any jar/box/container and all you have to do is draw/write down your happy memory on a piece of paper/card, (fold it/roll it) and place it inside your container. As a family you could take it in turns to place your memory inside the container, and share your lovely memories together at the same time. Or you could share your delightful memories at another time, perhaps before bed or first thing in the morning, you could even choose one memory, at random, per day!


Extension: Create an “Acts of Kindness Jar”.

Fill a container with as many different ‘acts of kindness’ that you can think of, these can be written or drawn on a piece of paper. Then, choose a piece of paper, at random, out of your container, and do that act of kindness - individually or as a family - enjoy spreading happiness around you!

Week of Monday 27th April 


I would like you to explore Pentecost this week.

I have attached five lessons below with some activities outlined.

Try to do at least two activities per lesson - any queries please send me an email,

(Some lessons even have 'EXTRA' activities!)

Also, there are links below to a video and song to support. Enjoy!



Lesson 1 Video: Britain in Spring Time | BBC Teach

A variety of native birds display seasonal spring time behaviour, plants burst into leaf and flower which shows the change in the landscape.

Lesson 1: Song to help write Prayer: The Ascension (Phil Wickham)

Week of Monday 20th April

The Christian Story of the Good Samaritan and the Lost Sheep


Please listen and watch the follow short clip (link below). Please discuss the following points:

 1. How do you feel when you lose something special.

2. How long would you spend looking for a lost toy?

Get Creative: Can you create puppets for the characters in the stories and use them to retell?

Challenge: Discuss who your loving neighbours are? How do you show love, care to others?
