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St Catherine's Catholic Primary School

Week of Monday 1st February

This week is Children's Mental Health Week


Cumbria is supporting the Children’s Mental Health Charity Place2Be. 

The theme for this year is ‘Express Yourself' and you have the chance to enter their competition.

All you have to do is, think about ways you express your feelings, and thoughts.

What has helped you cope during your time at home?

What have you learned during the COVID pandemic?

What do you wish you had known at the start?


Then, use all of your thoughts and feelings to create,

a poem, draw a picture, create an audio song/music or do a piece of writing.

You can even submit a photo of an object that has helped you or something you have made!

(Click on each day for some guidance on each activity)


There are £50 price vouchers to be won - every entry will be entered into the prize draw! 

Please send your digital entries to 

by the end of Thursday 4th February. Good luck!

Winners will be shared via CSCP and website.

P.S. Please remember to send me all your wonderful work via Seesaw so I can see too!




MyTime will also be hosting free Zoom information sessions for parents and carers. The “Supporting your child's mental health through the pandemic” sessions will provide informal practical advice and ideas that can help you to support the mental health of you and your child through the pandemic. (Link below)


Kooth will be hosting a parent and carer session on Tuesday 2 February 2021, 12-1pm. (Link below)


E-School Nurses are running twice weekly online health support and advice for parents, carers and professionals, supporting children and young people aged 5-19 years old. (Link below)


Cumbria's Safeguarding Children Partnership will also be publishing a 5-minute briefing each day covering themes such as:

  • How to get support
  • Top tips
  • Family mental health
  • Music and wellbeing
  • Words and feelings
  • Helping yourself and helping others